The Church App

The following are instruction on how to download The Church Center App on your phone so you can get stay connected with Bethesda Family, and keep us updated with your current contact information in our system.

Step 1

download the church app

On you iPhone or Android app store, type “The Church Center App” and download the app to your phone.

DOWNLOAD for Apple products.

DOWNLOAD for other.

Step 2

Create account

Search for “Bethesda NW” and create account, or Log In if you already have an account.

Step 3

enter phone number

You will need to input your phone number and you will receive a text with a special code to use to log in/

Step 4

enter phone number

You will need to input your phone number and you will receive a text with a special code to use to log in/

Step 5

SELECT the profile icon

Press on the Profile icon next to the notification icon to access your individual and household information.

Step 6

Go to the “My Household” section

The “My Household” section will include every profile linked to your account. Click on any profile to access individual profiles.

Step 7

CHOOSE the profile you would like to edit

To receive text notifications about the latest announcements, events and info, please include a mobile phone number.

Welcome to Bethesda Family :)