Liz Lewis
Creative Content Manager & Kainos Creatives Director
Liz has over 20 years of ministry experience from serving children in Kids Ministry, both in teaching and leadership roles, administration, and discipling people. Liz manages our website, our social media, and creative media teams. Liz has a passion to see the people of God realize their identity in Him, live out their full potential, and enjoy just how good God really is. In 2022, Liz launched our Kainos Creatives ministry to equip and empower creatives of all genres to partner with the Holy Spirit in capturing and multiplying revival into the world around them!
Liz is native to Southern California and moved to the PNW in 2006. She met the love of her life, Preston Lewis, in an online bible chatroom and enjoyed growing together in their relationship with God and married in 2008. Not long into marriage, both Preston and Liz were both diagnosed with cancer, encountered Jesus in transformative ways, and they both experienced physical healing in their bodies!
Preston has a passion for music, songwriting, and business, but his first passion is a deep love for Jesus and the Word of God. Preston was the lead singer of the Christian hard rock band, Spiritual Plague. Preston desires to see the Church operate in the full demonstration of Christ on the earth.
Together they seek to facilitate an atmosphere where the Body of Christ can enjoy freedom in relationship, identity, and unity in the Spirit of Truth to live and advance the Kingdom of God on the Earth. They both are passionate to help equip and further the impact of kingdom artists and business owners, and founded Lewiston Media Group, where they unite their creative and professional gifts in administration, music production, and online media.