Bethesda Dance Team Application- Please fill out all the required fields - Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * How long have you been attending Bethesda? * Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you want to join. * Have you been a part of a worship dance team before? If yes, describe your experience. * What is your personal experience with dance (history, training, etc.)? * How are you pursuing dance in your life right now? * If selected, how often do you want to serve? * Once a month Twice a month Every other month Other We expect you to regularly participate in team meetings and worship community gatherings in addition to dancing during a Sunday service. Can you commit to this? * At Bethesda, we value honor and mutual submission to our leaders and one another over having our way or being right. Are you willing to be humble and teachable? * Thank you!Your answers will be kept in complete confidentiality and only apply to this application. You will be contacted via email to schedule an interview and audition.